Are you currently pregnant or did you recently have a baby?
Bodies change when you have a baby!
Hi! I'm Dr. Emily Pace
Today You Can Get Access To My What's Up Down There Program For Only $17!
What Past Clients Have Had To Say About What's Up Down There:

Want to Know How To Get Started?

Workshop Overview
Here's a quick look at the 5 modules we will cover in What's Up Down There
What's Up Down There
Welcome to What's Up Down There; Here's What To Expect
Module One: Get To Know Your Pelvic Floor
Module Two: Learn How To Find, Care For, and Strengthen Your Core Muscles
Module Three: How To Care For Your Mental Health While Caring For Your Body
Module Four: What May Change Down There & What To Do About It
Module Five: Getting Back To Exercise & Sex Safely And Without Pain
You've Got Questions, I've Got Answers!
How much does it cost?
My What's Up Down There program is only $17 when you get it today.
How long is it going to take me to get through the program?
Each module is only about 20 minutes each. You can break this up into a small section each day or you can watch all 5 sections in about an hour.
What if I haven't had my baby yet?
This is a great workshop even if you are pregnant or just thinking about getting pregnant! You can watch all the modules while you are pregnant and you can review them as needed once the baby is here.
What if my baby is 2 years old?
You are postpartum forever and many of these changes and resources may still be very applicable to you even if you are not early postpartum.